A Repentant Disciple

October 2, 2022 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: Conversations with Jesus

Passage: John 21:15–19



Failure is never final.




  1. When we meet with Jesus, He always offers us another _______________.


“Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these.”     v. 15





  1. When we meet with Jesus, there is a call to _______________.


“Feed my lambs.”     v. 15





III.  When we meet with Jesus, He issues an _______________.


“Follow me.”     v. 19





“Do you love me?”




Application Questions


  1. How can you be restored when you fail the Lord?
  2. Have you ever felt unworthy and disqualified to follow Jesus? How did you recover?
  3. What is your motivation for serving the Lord?
  4. Do you love Jesus? How can you tell?

More in Conversations with Jesus

August 21, 2022

A Repentant Adulterer

August 14, 2022

A Hopeless Invalid

August 7, 2022

A Thirsty Woman