Ambassadors Baseball Team

Mission to Germany

 Since 2012, members of Grace Presbyterian Church have been invited by the Neuenburg International Church (NIC) & Atomics Baseball Club to bring an American Baseball Team to Neuenburg, Germany, to run baseball clinics for local kids and play in an international baseball tournament. Therefore, each year Grace recruits a new baseball team, and in July, The Ambassadors travel to Neuenburg, Germany for 12 days to encourage and assist the local church in reaching the community with the love of Christ. Since 2012 this mission has grown to involve clinics & exhibition games in Switzerland, France & Germany, as well as involvement with the youth group of the NIC, service projects, and personal spiritual growth for the Ambassador players.

During the 2023 trip, the Ambassadors interacted with over 1,500 German, Swiss, and French clinic campers, club baseball players, baseball fans, and church members.  These interactions allow the Ambassadors to share their personal testimonies and help the NIC engage these contacts after the Ambassador's Team has left.  It’s exciting to see these international relationships grow from year to year and how God can use anything, ‘even baseball,’ for His Kingdom's growth.


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