The Great Reconciliation

February 20, 2022 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: The Preeminent Christ

Passage: Colossians 1:19–23



I. God’s ______________ in Reconciliation. vv. 19-20a

“all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell in him”

1. God finds pleasure in the _______________.

2. God finds pleasure in _______________.


II. God’s _______________ for Reconciliation. vv. 20b, 22a

“peace by the blood of his cross”


III. Man’s _____________ for Reconciliation. vv. 21-22

“And you, who were once alienated and hostile in your mind, doing evil deeds”


IV. The _______________ of Reconciliation. v. 23

“if indeed you continue in the faith”




Application Questions

1. Were you moved by the story of Galarraga and Joyce? How?
2. How does it strike you that God takes pleasure in your reconciliation?
3. How does your reconciliation with God help you to reconcile with those who are in conflict with you?
4. Is there someone you need to reconcile with? Are you willing?

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