The Master-Slave Relationship - Part 2
June 19, 2022 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: The Preeminent Christ
Passage: Colossians 3:22– 4:1
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Two Issues:
- Biblical Interpretation.
- The Bible and Slavery.
- Instructions to Slaves/Employees. v. 22-25
- The _______________ to Obey.
“Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters.”
- Do your work.
- Do your work wholeheartedly.
“not by way of eye-service, as people pleasers, but sincerity of heart”
- The _______________ to Obey.
“fearing the Lord…You are serving the Lord Christ.”
- Instructions to Masters/Employers. 4:1
- The _______________ to Provide.
“Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly.”
- The _______________ to Provide.
“knowing that you also have a Master in heaven”
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”
Application Questions
- Should you tell coworkers about Jesus on company time?
- What are the reasons you should work heartily for the Lord?
- Where is it most difficult for you to maintain Jesus as Lord in your work?
4. What timeless principle in this passage impacts you the most? Why?

More in The Preeminent Christ
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Here for the Outsiders - Part 2July 3, 2022
Here for the Outsiders - Part 1June 12, 2022
The Master-Slave Relationship - Part 1