Here for the Outsiders - Part 1

July 3, 2022 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: The Preeminent Christ

Passage: Colossians 4:2–6



Two reasons why the world needs grace:


  1. The _______________ of sin.



  1. The _______________ of legalism.




  1. Prayer must be a _______________.   v. 2a


“Continue steadfastly in prayer”




  1. Prayer must be _______________. v. 2b


“being watchful in it”




  1. Prayer must be _______________. v. 2c


“with thanksgiving”




  1. Prayer must be _______________. vv. 3-4


“At the same time, pray also for us”






Application Questions


  1. How are you tempted to far back into legalism?
  2. Are you devoted to prayer? Why or why not?
  3. How is prayer more like a two-way radio than an intercom?
  4. What do you find most difficult about praying?

More in The Preeminent Christ

July 17, 2022

Here for the Outsiders - Part 2

June 19, 2022

The Master-Slave Relationship - Part 2

June 12, 2022

The Master-Slave Relationship - Part 1