Should I Not Pity?

August 4, 2019 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: Jonah

Passage: Jonah 4:1–11

TEXT: Jonah 4:1-11


POINT OF THE PASSAGE: Should you not have just as much (or more) concern for others as you do for yourself?

1.  Spiritual failure is ____________.      vv. 1-3

“But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry.”

2.  God’s grace is _______________ toward His children.      vv. 4-9

“Do you do well to be angry?”

3. God’s mercy is _______________ for the world.     vv. 10-11

“And should not I pity Nineveh?”


God is in ______________ of every aspect of your life.

God is more _______________ to you than you are to Him.

God’s grace _______________ runs out for His children.

Application Questions

1. Think of a time when you forgot God’s grace towards you. What happened?

2. What race, nationality or people group do you struggle with hatred towards?

3. Why is it easy for you to be self-righteous about your spiritual accomplishments?

4. Should you not be concerned for lost people? Explain.


More in Jonah

July 28, 2019

God’s Great Grace

July 21, 2019

Prayer in a Humble Place

July 7, 2019

The Truth about Consequences