A Gift Worth Understanding

December 25, 2022 Pastor: Bill Thompson

Passage: 2 Peter 2:5–18



“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14






  1. To be our ______________. vv. 9, 17


“So that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone” 


It means that we are _____________ of our sin.



  1. To bring us to _____________. vv. 10-13


“many sons to glory”


It means that we have been ______________ into God’s family.



  1. To _______________ the devil and _______________ us from the fear of death. vv. 14-16


“…through death he might destroy the…devil, and deliver”


It means we no longer belong to the devil; we belong to _____________ and we don’t have to be afraid of death because Jesus has ______________ to take our hand.



  1. To become our _______________ and _______________ High Priest. vv. 17-18


“he is able to help those who are being tempted”


It means that we don’t have to face _______________ alone.





Application Questions


Let me suggest that this week you spend 30 minutes alone with God.


  1. Review the four points of why God became a man.
  2. Meditate on the points of personal application.
  3. Which application speaks to your heart more than any other? Which is most difficult to believe or apply? Ask God to help you.
  4. How might your life/values/priorities have to change in the coming year to better reflect your relationship with God?