
November 6, 2022 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: A Call to Prayer

Passage: Philippians 1:3–8



“Healthy, joyful home for God’s people”


  1. It is a _______________ Joy.    v. 3a


“I thank my God...”    


  1. It is a ________________ Joy. vv. 4-5, 7-8


“Because of your partnership in the gospel.”


  1. We share a common _______________.


  1. We share a common _______________.


  1. We share a common _______________.


  1. We share a common _______________.


III. It is an _______________ Joy.     v. 6



“And I am sure of this…”


  1. It was God who _______________ the work of salvation.


  1. God _______________ the work of salvation.


  1. God will _______________ what He started.





Application Questions


  1. What is the solution to longed-face religion?
  2. In addition to the four mentioned, what else do you have in common with other believers?”
  3. How does confidence in your salvation bring greater joy in your life?
  4. Will you pray for Grace to have an increase in joy?

More in A Call to Prayer

November 20, 2022


October 30, 2022
