The Benefit of Mercy
September 19, 2021 Pastor: Bill Thompson
Passage: Matthew 5:1–16
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TEXT: Matthew 5:7
SERIES: Life in God’s Kingdom
- The Beatitudes are describing a person who is ______________ and is a citizen of God’s kingdom.
- The Beatitudes describe the ______________ of being a member of God’s kingdom.
- The Beatitudes have a logical ______________ of thought.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”
Point of the Passage: Life in God’s kingdom is characterized by _______________ based on mercy which brings great blessing.
- Two Misunderstandings about Mercy.
- _______________.
- _______________.
- Two Examples of Mercy.
- ______________.
Matthew 18:32-33
- _____________.
Luke 10:36-37
Application Questions
- Are you too concerned with “the letter of the law” and judgmental towards others? If so, why?
- How can your feelings propel you to action?
- When are you especially grateful for the mercy of God? Explain.
- Who is it that you need to forgive? Who is it that needs to receive mercy from you?