I Shall Be Led by Him

April 18, 2021 Pastor: Bill Thompson Series: The Lord is My Shepherd

Passage: Psalm 23

TEXT: Psalm 23

SERIES: The Lord is My Shepherd


Why can I call the Lord my Shepherd?

            1. Because He _______________ me.      John 10:3-4

            2. Because He ______________ His life for me. John 10:11

            3. Because He _______________ me life.            John 10:10

1. My Shepherd is a _______________ guide.

“leads me”

Romans 8:28

2. My Shepherd will lead me down the _______________ path.

“in the paths of righteousness”

3. My Shepherd leads me for His own _______________.

“for his name’s sake”



Application Questions

1. How is it possible for you to say, “The Lord is my shepherd”?

2. When are you most tempted to doubt the goodness of God? Why?

3. How does the Shepherd lead you?

4. How do you know if you are on the path of righteousness?


More in The Lord is My Shepherd

May 2, 2021

I Will Overflow with Hope

April 25, 2021

I Will Not Fear

April 11, 2021

I Shall Not Want